Patient Stories

Sandra, a single mom of two and member of a local church, found herself facing an unplanned pregnancy amidst already challenging circumstances. Financially unstable and burdened with the sole responsibility of providing for her family, she felt overwhelmed and alone.
When Sandra discovered she was pregnant, she initially chose to visit an abortion clinic for confirmation and options. Despite her emotional turmoil, she felt pressured to consider abortion, influenced by the child’s father and her own financial struggles. The abortion clinic provided abortion pills, and Sandra, conflicted and guilt-ridden, took them at home. In tears, she prayed for forgiveness, believing she had terminated the pregnancy, but was surprised to find the bleeding had stopped without the expected outcome.
Shaken by this turn of events and still wrestling with her decision, Sandra bravely confided in a fellow church member who offered prayer and support. Encouraged by their conversation, she eventually opened up to her pastor, who reached out to Obria LA.
At Obria LA, Sandra underwent an ultrasound that revealed her pregnancy was still viable...
Overwhelmed with emotion, she saw her baby’s heartbeat for the first time, a moment that shifted her perspective profoundly. Seeing her child moving on the screen, Sandra realized the reality of the life growing inside her, contrary to her earlier belief that it was merely a clump of cells she could not afford to nurture.
Sandra not only offered medical care but also a nonjudgmental space to share her fears and hopes. Our staff provided information on prenatal care, connected her with job stability resources, and facilitated access to parenting courses and family therapy. Supported by these practical resources and the unwavering encouragement from her church community, Sandra began to envision a future where she could embrace motherhood again.
Moved by Sandra’s story, her church rallied around her in a remarkable display of support and solidarity. Recognizing Sandra’s lack of a traditional support network, they organized a baby shower—an event she had never experienced before despite this being her third pregnancy. With the help of our generous donors, Sandra and her children were showered with love, receiving essential baby items and heartfelt gestures that deeply touched her heart.
Today, Sandra eagerly anticipates the birth of her baby, believing wholeheartedly that this life is a testament to God’s plan and the support system that stood by her during a challenging time. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of compassionate care and community support in preserving life and empowering mothers like Sandra to make life-affirming choices.

We love sharing patient success stories with you, but the reality is that sometimes the outcome isn’t what we hope or pray for. Recently, a woman came to our clinic for a pregnancy confirmation. The ultrasound showed that she was already in her 2nd trimester, much farther along than she had thought. This was her second pregnancy in two years, and she had previously had an abortion. She was not ready to put her body through another pregnancy and wanted to focus on her new relationship with her boyfriend.
Our nurse told them about Obria LA’s Navigating Relationships course, and they happily accepted the invitation to attend. Through these classes, our certified coordinator built a good relationship with the couple as they worked on strengthening their bond. They discussed tools needed to have a healthy relationship, resources to continue their pregnancy, and more. The couple was still leaning towards abortion but began considering what life would look like if they kept their baby.
Suddenly, they stopped attending classes and ignoring all phone calls... Unfortunately, we can assume that they had made their decision to follow through with an abortion. Our hearts go out to this couple and their unborn child and hope that, in some way, Obria LA has left an impression on their hearts.
Although this story is heartbreaking, it does not take away from the 228 babies that were saved in 2023 because of YOU! Please keep praying that our ministry will make an impact on couples like them and save even more lives this year.
After having a previous abortion, Julie desired to have a child with her new husband- but the barriers that surrounded her made it challenging. She felt lost when it came to resources and finances were tight. When Julie found Obria LA, she immediately came in to have a pregnancy confirmation. Our sonographer led her into the ultrasound room, where she could hardly contain her excitement. During the ultrasound, Julie was eager to view the screen after hearing there was a baby! She excitedly called for her husband to share in this joyous moment. Our sonographer pointed to where the baby was located on the screen, and as they heard the beating of the baby’s heart, their eyes welled up with emotion. The both of them decided they wanted to keep the baby. They entertained ideas of sharing the news with the rest of their family. After Julie received her consultation with our nurse practitioner, she got ready to leave. She expressed how happy she was to have come into Obria LA, and was so grateful for our medical staff. Julie and her husband left feeling hopeful for the gift of life they had been given.
Each week, we see patients who are without the finances, resources and support they need to start a family. Our mission is to be a light amongst darkness, serving those in need of our holistic care- physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But we cannot do this alone. Your prayers and financial support allow us to keep our doors open to those in need of our services. Our hope is to be able to offer full prenatal care by the end of this year so that we can provide further reproductive services to our patients. Will you join us in prayer and support to help expand our services at Obria LA?
Stefanie was in a desperate situation. She suspected she was pregnant, and the dark line from the pregnancy test was jarring. Stefanie went to the first clinic she could think of with the intention of having an abortion. While she was there, they told her she was much further along than she had thought. Something within her felt unsettled, and she wanted a second opinion. That was when she found Obria LA.
When she met with our sonographer, she did not make any eye contact. She appeared to be exhausted and worn down. After her ultrasound, she consulted with our nurse. With a heavy heart, she confessed that she was currently addicted to narcotics and alcohol. The father of the child was an acquaintance and did not offer any support and demanded her to get an abortion…
Stefanie shared that she felt completely lost without any support. It was then that our nurse connected her to a rehab facility for pregnant women that offer support and help them transition into motherhood. Armed with resources, Stefanie left feeling more confident that she could keep her child and receive the help she needed be on the road to recovery.
Obria LA not only provides early reproductive care, but various resources, classes and pregnancy loss/grief counseling. Each patient, along with their situations are so unique. With the support and prayers from donors like you, we are able to provide each patient with customized services, resources and support they need to heal and thrive.
Kelly came to the clinic in tears. She didn’t have the support of her boyfriend, who wanted her to terminate, and was fearful of her pregnancy’s outcome. Having recently lost a close family member, it all seemed too much for her. With so many difficulties pressing her, termination seemed like the easiest option BUT she knew that it would not have pleased the family member who had recently passed away.
She discussed her situation with her nurse. It was a difficult one. The outcome seemed tentative but we had hope because we know that God can change a heart in a moment. So we prayed. We prayed that the Lord might intervene to preserve the life of the little one and especially that He might make Himself known to the mother.
While Kelly met with the nurse she was able to view her little one on the ultrasound. There on the screen was the evidence of a precious life. Seeing her baby brought a fresh flow of tears to her eyes as she considered her decision. Unexpectedly, while in the ultrasound room, the father of the baby called her with a retraction on his part to have an abortion. He had changed his mind. But even if he hadn’t, Kelly on her own had decided to parent. A new conviction to protect the baby in her womb took hold of her and she would have this child!
Kelly’s story, like many others, is a testimony of how God uses the prayers and financial gifts you, our faithful supporters, provide. We are so thankful for your generosity and want you to know that the Lord has blessed the work at the clinics. Whether it’s the kind manner and expertise of the nurse, the sight of life on the ultrasound, the resources provided to give aid to young mothers or any of the various helps rendered at the clinic; all the services offered by Obria LA are greatly helped by your support.