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Baby Bottle Campaigns

Baby Bottle Campaign Request Form

For more information or to start your campaign, please fill out the form below and click "Send Request".

Your request was sent successfully! A WPCC staff member will be in touch with you within 3 business days. Thank you for partnering with us to save more lives!

We believe that we can erase the NEED for women to seek out an abortion by transforming her fear into confidence. These young women need to know that they are not alone. By filling a bottle, you are helping to provide the support that a young woman needs to get through the tough times ahead of her. So how can you help? 


Below are different ways that you can get involved through baby bottles. 

Host Your Own Campaign!

This can range anywhere from getting your classmates or bible study involved, to you just personally taking a bottle to your family and friends and filling a single bottle up. Every bottle can make a life-changing difference! Read through these simple steps below on how to host your own baby bottle campaign today!


1. Fill out the info form below and tell us how many bottles you would like, as well as when you'd like to pick them up.


2. Pick up your bottle(s) from the clinic closest to you on the date agreed upon by the staff member who emails you back. 


3. Start raising money! Get creative! Make your own video and post it online asking people to donate as well, or just carry the bottle around with you and ask people to donate their spare change. You'll be surprised to see how quickly it'll fill up!


4. Bring the full bottle back to the clinic and know that you helped save a life!

Host A Church Campaign!

Hosting a campaign at your own church is just as simple, but definitely requires the support of your church and pastor. Follow the steps below to get started with your church campaign today!


1. Fill out the info form below and tell us what church you are wanting to host a campaign for. We will email you back and set up a meeting to discuss the start date and the details of the campaign


2. As your campaign gets closer, you'll need to pick up your bottles from the clinic on the date discussed at your meeting. 


3. Advertise at your church and start raising money! We will give you all the tools you need to advertise at your church. If you need us to come and speak to the church one Sunday, we will gladly do so! 


4. At the end of your 4-week campaign, bring all of the bottles back to the clinic and know that you and your church have helped save lives. 

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