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Compton Clinic 2021 



She pierced our hearts when she said that their little resource center saw a huge increase in young girls with STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and unplanned pregnancies every time...


In Fall of 2020, the director of The Grace Elliott Center (TGEC) and Pastor Ed Robinson Jr. of their sponsoring church, Trinity Chapel Life Center, came to us to discuss how they could open a medical clinic. They were facing a heartbreaking situation. Unplanned pregnancies and STD’s were skyrocketing in the weeks following prisoner releases from the county jail because some of these released prisoners, who were sexual predators, were targeting young women.


Tiffany, the director at TGEC, explained. These male prisoners, particularly the older ones in their 30’s and 40’s, want young girls. Young girls are less likely to have prior children or to have a sexually transmitted disease. 


It broke our hearts to hear this, and as the conversations continued, our staff strongly sensed God telling us to partner with The Grace Elliott Center. Several months of prayer and discussion confirmed this and thus began a valuable partnership with The Grace Elliot Center! 

heat desitity map #1 .png

The Compton area (see the “heat density” map produced by The Human Coalition) has the highest density of abortions in Los Angeles County. We will be moving right into the heart of the evil one, rescuing innocents from abortion and offering help and care to young women. The Grace Elliot Center will continue to assist with aftercare and providing material resources.


We know we are entering into the enemy’s territory, and he won’t like it! So, we need your prayers more than ever! Our goal is to open one day a week, which will cost us $49,000 for one year. One day a week is all we can afford right now, but we believe the need will be great.  If God pierces your heart, as He did ours, and leads you, as He led us, will you support us in this venture? He may even provide above and beyond and allow us to open more than one day per week! Please pray and ask God if He is calling you to help.


As of October 2021, Obria Compton is now open! With Obria providing medical services and The Grace Elliot Center providing support services, a beautiful partnership is born!

The Grace Elliot Center is a non-profit organization whose mission is to build stronger families and communities.


They are committed to providing programs and services that promote healthy, social and emotional well being in the lives of women and children.


The Grace Elliot Center was established in 1993 by Edward Robinson Sr., Pastor of Trinity Chapel Life Center located in the city of Compton, CA. They were birthed in direct response to the lack of culturally appropriate health and related care services available to address the overwhelming numbers of crisis pregnancies. Now more than 20 years later, they are still the only agency of its kind in the city of Compton; serving pregnant and parenting women, teens, their children and families.



16147 E. Whittier Blvd.

Whittier, CA 90603

445 N. Lake Ave. 

Pasadena, CA 91101


In Partnership with The Grace Elliott Center

2817 N Wilmington Ave.

Compton, CA 90222

T: 310-928-7748

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Whittier Pregnancy Care Clinic (DBA Women's Pregnancy Care Clinic) / WPCC is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit public benefit corporation. EIN 95-4305452. WPCC is a community clinic licensed by the State of California

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